WISRCanada (Writing to Inmates Seeking Recovery Canada) is an initiative to support incarcerated sex addicts in Canadian prisons, based on the SAA Prisoner Writer program currently operating in American prisons. Initially this will include providing SAA literature to inmates in Canadian prisons and matching incarcerated sex addicts in Canada with Canadian SAA sponsors through letter writing.
If you know a prisoner in Canada who needs support, or would like more information about WISRCanada, you can contact us at wisr.canada@gmail.com or by letter mail at:
WISR Canada
PO Box 75096
20 Bloor St E
Toronto ON M4W 3T3
Currently we need volunteer letter writers who have substantial sobriety, have worked the Steps in SAA, and who have sponsorship experience.
We also need SAA members to join our national WISRCanada steering committee, which meets monthly online, to help us build this initiative guided by the Twelve Traditions of SAA.